Pera is a residential project located within the most vibrant agricultural development in Malindi; Kara Woods Ranch. The project is set on 43 Acres that enjoy scenic views of the ranch and is subdivided into prime 1-acre plots which can be used for housing or farming activities. Pera sits in the heart of our agricultural landscapes within Kara Woods Ranch and is within close proximity to the industrial park within a strictly zoned and controlled development area.
Kara Woods Ranch is a 680-acre ranch designed for agricultural, economic, and housing activities. It offers affordable opportunities in clean residential, agricultural, commercial, and industrial properties. The ranch is located in Dakacha, 50km from Malindi town within Magarini Constituency, and is 7km from a tarmac road currently under construction on an all-weather road.
The project provides great opportunities for land banking, country homes, holiday homes, and fertile farmlands for farming.